Fàilte do làrach-lìn Urras Chille Mhoire
Welcome to the online home of Kilmuir Community Trust
To advance community development in the Kilmuir Area by :-
Identifying local needs
Managing and developing a community plan based on these needs and creating a sense of community ownership of this plan.
Setting out a programme for addressing these needs with the aim of improving the social and physical quality of life for the whole community.
To advance arts, heritage and culture for the Kilmuir community and wider public who visit the area by:-
Celebrating and promoting our own Gaelic culture.
Preserving and promoting the local history and traditions in the area.
Providing opportunities for members of the community to participate in and experience a wide variety of art forms.
To provide recreational facilities in the area by :-
Taking ownership of and developing the hall and surrounding area as a community hub. ( Kilmuir Hall).
Working with the community and other local organisations for the provision of outdoor facilities.
Creation of new paths and cycleways to enhance outdoor activities in the area including the setting up of a Heritage Trail

Message from the founding Trust Chairperson

Calum Munro
Kilmuir Community Trust aims to help our local community build a strong, inclusive and sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations. By bringing together members of our community and by identifying needs and opportunities our community trust hopes to support and enable all members of the Kilmuir Community to take part in advancing community development, providing facilities and promoting and sustaining our local arts, heritage and culture.
Tha Urras Chille Mhoire airson ar coimhearsnachd a chuideachadh gu bhith daingeann, fàilteachail agus seasmhach don ghinealach seo agus do na ginealaich a tha ri teachd. Le bhith a' tarraing air cothroman agus a' comharrachadh ar feumalachdan tha Urras Chille Mhoire airson cothrom a thoirt don a h-uile duine a bhith a' compàirteachadh ann an leasachadh coimhearsnachd, a' solarachadh ghoireasan agus
a' brosnachadh agus a' glèidheadh ealain, dualchas agus cultar na sgìre.